Monday, December 6, 2010

Secret Garden Spoofs

If Secret Garden ever turns melo with the cancer thing, remember this post and laugh. Seriously, the power of Photoshop is a force to be reckoned with. Credits to the humorous people at dc.
The original:

The Spoofs: 
A very very very very drunk Ra Im.

 Yummy grilled squid~ (and medicinal wine -for good health)

Everybody's favorite popcorn!

Rotiserrie Chicken.

Featuring the dishes Joo Wanda cooked for Oska in Episode 7:

Featuring the chicken soup served by Ra Im's dad in Episode 5.

Have no idea what this is. Photoshopped by a cannibalistic fan.

Another cannibal.

This one's my favorite, I've been wanting do this ever since I set eyes on It:

We got some wacky supernatural stuff goin' on:

When I said wacky, I mean wac-ky.

LOL on Goku and the long-haired Binnie (I still don't know why he had to wear that wig in Episode 6):

Good lookin' clones:


  1. looooooool the one the track suit is hilarious!!

  2. Loving the tracksuit one xDDD

  3. bwahahahaha i burst out laughing like crazy when i saw your comment & the tracksuit one! mte LOL

  4. I'm so glad (and relieved) that we share the same sentiments on that tracksuit:D Seriously I don't know what to do if it starts to become a trend.

  5. ohnoes. i might have developed a soft spot for that tracksuit....

  6. Drunk RI & JW tracksuit is my favorite out of the rest of spoofs. Also yay for the random Goku.

  7. haha I hate to say this, but I LOVE the tracksuit! HAHAHA.

    But I did find the tracksuit burning hilarious xD
    My personal favorite though, has got to go to Joo Won sitting on the fire, HAHA.

    i can't stop laughing in tracksuit picture.
    joo won's spirit look so stupid =))
    i don't know if it will turn into like that in first pic
